Senator Cantwell Collecting Personal Stories of Struggles with Unaffordable Housing and Homelessness

April 28, 2016

Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) has launched a new tool to help make the case to expand the Housing Credit.

The Senator is collecting personal stories from people who have struggled to afford housing and/or have experienced homelessness. Her office is looking for a large volume of stories to help demonstrate the widespread and urgent need to invest more federal resources in affordable housing.

To submit stories, access the tool on Senator Cantwell’s website, “Affordable Housing & Homelessness: Share Your Story,” and fill out the short form.

We encourage you to share this with your networks, members and residents. Senator Cantwell is looking for stories from around the country – not just Washington State. Personal details will be shared only with permission.

In March, Senator Cantwell kicked off a nationwide campaign to expand the Housing Credit. Her forthcoming legislation would increase Housing Credit allocation authority by 50 percent and make other changes to strengthen the program.

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