Rural Development Updates Chapter 7 of Handbook 3-3560

CARH’S BROADCAST E-MAIL – Regulatory Update

January 13, 2017

Earlier this week, USDA Rural Development (RD) published Procedural Notice (PN) 492, dated January 6, 2017. In part, the PN states that Chapter 7 – Transfer of Ownership of Handbook 3-3560 “has been completely revised to update the processes used to evaluate, analyze and process ownership transfer requests received for properties having outstanding Section 515 Rural Rental Housing and Section 514/516 Farm Labor Housing loans or grants.”  The full revised Chapter 7 can be found by clicking here.

CARH will be reviewing these recent changes to the Handbook and discussion of changes will take place during the Development and Owners’ Committee meeting during CARH’s Midyear Meeting in Sarasota Florida. This Committee will be meeting on Monday, January 23, 2017, from 2:30-4:00 p.m. If you are not planning on attending the CARH meeting and have concerns with the revisions, please bring them to our attention as soon as possible by emailing the national CARH office at


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