RD Multi-Family Preliminary Transfer Assessment Tool – Updated

Midyear Meeting Attendees

February 4, 2015

At the panel entitled, Preservation Challenges and Opportunities and during the special session on the Preliminary Transfer Assessment Tool, both of which were held during CARH’s Midyear Meeting last week in Tampa, Beverly Casey from the national Rural Development (RD) office agreed to provide an updated template for the preliminary assessment tool.  Beverly emailed the templates late yesterday, with a further revision this morning. As indicated in her email to CARH, Beverly wrote:

“As you requested I have provided the updated template to include the ability for users to enter their own historical operations and budget.  They will simply type their budget information manually on the Rents and Operations Page. The upload of the MFIS report will still work, so both features can be used.  You had asked for two files, one with test data and one as a blank template and you’ll find those attached.”

To access the updated templates, click here for the template with the test data and click here for the blank template.  (Both templates can also be found in the Midyear Meeting Materials under the Meetings section of the CARH website, www.carh.org.)

Please provide Colleen Fisher, at carh@carh.org, with your comments and, where appropriate, suggested changes to the template no later than Friday, February 13, 2015.  We will then compile comments and send to RD. Thank you for your help on this important issue.

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