October 2017 Edition of CARH News

CARH’S BROADCAST E-MAIL – CARH News and the Latest on Tax Reform

November 8, 2017

The October 2017 digital edition of CARH News, the Council for Affordable and Rural Housing’s (CARH) bimonthly digital newsletter, is now available online on CARH’s website, www.carh.org, or for viewing by clicking here.

Please take the time today to read the Executive Director’s message on page 1 regarding the proposed tax reform legislation and its implications on Housing Credits and Housing Bonds. Since it unlikely that there will be any changes made by the House to the Housing Credits and Housing Bond provisions, it is vital that CARH members contact their Senators offices and tell them why  Private Activity Bonds, and in particular, multifamily Housing Bonds need to be restored in the Senate. Housing Bonds are responsible for roughly half of Housing Credit production because they trigger the 4 percent Credit. Without these bonds, the 4 percent Credit program would be effectively eliminated. Links for contacting the Senate offices can also be found in the Executive Director’s message!

Also in this issue, you will find:

  • Counsel’s Corner: Dual Signatures: An Idea Whose Time Has Passed
  • CARH 2018 Midyear Meeting
  • HUD Reorganization Contains Ideas Large and Small
  • “Perfect is the Enemy of Good”
  • ORIX USA Acquires Lancaster Pollard
  • Advisory Trustee Profile: E&A Team, Inc.
  • State Affiliated Association Profile: Council for Rural Housing & Development of Ohio
  • Time to Renew Your CARH Membership
  • Disaster Recovery Updates and Information

Click here to read those articles and much more!

CARH members may also view a PDF version and archived editions of CARH News on the CARH website by logging in with your username and password.

Please contact CARH at carh@carh.org with any questions, feedback or suggestions for future articles.


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