IRS Releases Guidance to Allow Partnerships to Amend 2018 and 2019 Tax Returns and Benefit from Bonus Depreciation Changes in CARES Act

At CARH’s January Midyear Meeting, the Developers/Owners Joint Committee made a recommendation to CARH’s Board of Directors to make members aware of an issue that will impact how LIHTC partnership/tax returns can be amended for tax years that began in 2018. Communicate concerns to other industry groups in an effort to garner changes to the regulations by the IRS. On April 8, the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2020-23 which addresses this recommendation. The revenue procedure permits amending BBA partnership tax returns once 8609s are received for 2018 returns, as long as the partnership files an amended return by September 30, 2020. This resolves the issue that had arisen relative to discrepancies between when Housing Credits could be claimed and the timing and amount of tax credit equity contributions to Housing Credit partnerships, at least for 2018.

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