HUD MAP Guide Drafting Table – New Chapters Available for Feedback

Please see the following notice from HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing:

Dear Stakeholders:

On October 15, 2019, FHA posted for industry feedback the first revised draft chapters for an updated Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP) Guide as part of its ongoing work to deliver a fully updated guide in the future.

The following drafts are now available for review and feedback.

  • Chapter 3 and Appendix 3
  • Chapter 6 and Appendix 6

Work is underway to update a total of 19 chapters, including two new chapters, and 12 appendices.  The updates are intended to incorporate current policy and processing changes introduced since 2016.  This includes making substantive changes based on previously published Housing Notices, Mortgagee Letters, and published frequently asked questions, while also conforming policy to common industry standard practices and making general improvements to the MAP Guide’s readability and structure.

Individual draft chapters and the corresponding draft appendices, if applicable, will be released on the Multifamily Drafting Table periodically for a 30-day feedback period.

The draft chapters are available here. Please click on the PDF Document for the draft chapter and the corresponding draft appendix, if applicable, you wish to review.  Provide any comments you may have on the Response WorksheetThen e-mail the response worksheets to Questions should be directed to Wendy Houston.

The MAP Guide provides consistent, expedited mortgage insurance application processing by MAP-approved Lenders and review procedures for HUD’s Multifamily Regional Centers and Satellite Offices.

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