HUD Announces Disaster Assistance for Puerto Rico and Hurricane Irma FEMA Updates for Housing Counselors

September 11, 2017 — HUD

HUD Announces Disaster Assistance for Puerto Rico Storm Victims

Hurricane Irma FEMA Updates for Housing Counselors:

FEMA issued an Emergency Declarations for:

All HUD participating housing counseling agencies impacted in Texas, Louisiana the surrounding region are encouraged to review the Hurricane Resource Page for Housing Counselors and the Housing Counseling Disaster Recovery and Emergency Preparedness Toolkit located on HUDExchange.  It contains disaster recovery and emergency preparedness resources specifically for housing counseling programs. The toolkit provides immediate access to Disaster Recovery Flyers, the Housing Counseling Disaster Program Guide and other HUD, FEMA, and other helpful resources.

 Reminder:  Housing Counseling Handbook 7610.1, Chapter 5-11, B. 3-d, requires when any aspect an agency’s purpose is impaired and can no longer comply with programmatic requirements, regulations or grant agreement (e.g., not functioning due to a disaster or emergency) the agency must notify HUD (their point of contact) within 15 days.

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