HOME National Call-In Days on September 15-16

September 11, 2015

America is stronger when we have decent, affordable homes and stable communities. Yet, low spending caps have prevented Congress from providing adequate funding for housing and community development programs, harming the families and neighborhoods that need these investments most. If Congress doesn’t act to raise the spending caps, the impact on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 budget will be devastating.

A glaring example is the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) program. HOME has already been cut to record-low levels and now the Senate has proposed to cut it by 93 percent, essentially elminating this critical program altogether.

For this reason, the HOME Coalition encourages all organizations to participate in the #CapsHurt Communities campaign’s National Call-In Days on September 15 and 16.

Mark Your Calendars!

#CapsHurt Communities and #SaveHOME National Call-In Days

September 15 and 16, 2015

9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M EST

On September 15 and 16, between 9:00 A.M and 5:00 P.M EST, please take a moment to call your members of Congress. To do so, dial the Congressional Switchboard at 877-210-5351 and ask to speak with your legislator. Ideally, you can make three calls—one to each of your Senators and one to your Representative. When you reach the receptionist in your legislator’s office, explain how important affordable housing is to your community and leave this simple message:

“It’s time to pass a budget that works for our communities. Please work with your colleagues to raise the spending caps and fund affordable housing programs—like the HOME Investment Partnerships program—at the highest level.”

Member of Congress need to know just how harmful these cuts are to low-income children, families, people with disabilities, seniors, and veterans. For additional resources, check out the HOME Coalition website and information on the #SaveHOME campaign.

We look forward to working with you to #SaveHOME!

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