Family Self Sufficiency NOFO Released – Multifamily Owners Eligible for the First Time

HUD’s Office of Housing released the following information on August 4, 2022:


Dear Multifamily Owners and Program Operators, 

We are excited to share with you that the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Fiscal Year 2022 published today. For the first time, owners participating in HUD’s Multifamily Section 8 project-based rental assistance program are eligible to apply for funding through this NOFO. You can access the NOFO here. The 60-day application period runs from August 4, 2022 to October 3, 2022. 

You may find more information about the grant on the HUD Funds Available page. (Important general information is at the top – scroll down to find the link for the FY22 FSS NOFO page, which is where the NOFO, webinar and FAQ (if any) links will be posted).

Please review the press release.

In the coming weeks, we will host a webinar to review the components of the NOFO and discuss the changes between the FY22 NOFO and previous years. Please feel free to submit questions to once you have reviewed the NOFO.

Here is important information to keep in mind regarding the FY 2022 FSS NOFO:

  • Owners of properties participating in project-based rental assistance are eligible to apply for funding as new applicants, regardless of whether they have a currently operating FSS program.
  • Funding is for a two-year period, subject to annual appropriations from Congress.
  • You will need to have a Unique Entity ID (UEI) (which has replaced the DUNS system). Visit for guidance on ensuring that your registration is up to date. You will need an up-to-date registration and a UEI in order to apply for the NOFO (see more information below).
  • Please also check that your login and password are up to date and that you know who your AOR is.
  • We encourage you to read the NOFO before deciding whether you will need a grant writer. The NOFO has no narratives, no budgets, no match/leverage… it is a few forms. 

PLEASE NOTE: This is an opportunity for Public Housing Authorities and project-based rental assistance owners to apply for funding to hire FSS Coordinators to run an FSS program. This is NOT an application for individuals to enroll in the FSS program. If you are an individual that is interested in enrolling in FSS, please contact your Public Housing Authority or owner of your multifamily property to see if they run an FSS program and how to apply.

Non-Profits and For-Profit entities that are NOT PBRA owners (e.g. social service agencies) are NOT eligible to apply. If you would like to work an FSS program, please contact your local PHA/multifamily property to see if they run an FSS program and how to be involved. This grant does not provide funds to pay directly for services.

Questions? Reach out to or

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