Elizabeth Green Named Acting Administrator for USDA’s Rural Housing Service

CARH’S BROADCAST E-MAIL – Regulatory Alert

USDA announced the appointment of Elizabeth “Beth” Green as the Acting Administrator, Rural Housing Service (RHS). Ms. Green will report directly to Rural Development’s (RD) Deputy Under Secretary, Bette Brand, effective August 3, 2020. Please click here for a copy of the press release.

Before being appointed to this role, Ms. Green served as RD’s State Director for Virginia. During her tenure, she led a team of 61 to invest in rural communities across the state. These investments have resulted in thousands of rural Virginia residents, farms, businesses and households being able to connect to high-speed broadband internet for the first time, hundreds of new essential community facilities being built across the state, and tens of thousands of families being helped to buy their own homes.

Ms. Green has lived in Virginia and worked in federal and state politics for 33 years. During that time, she has cultivated relations with many of rural America’s political and industry leaders. She graduated from Florida State University with a degree in communications and political science.

CARH looks forward to working with the Acting Administrator and RD staff in the national and state offices.


Ms. Green takes over the role from former RHS Administrator Bruce Lammers who recently retired.


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