CARH is Moving!


August 4, 2016

It’s with great anticipation and pleasure to announce that tomorrow, August 5, 2016, CARH is relocating! Our new location is close to our current office space in Alexandria, Virginia. While our new space is similar in size to our existing location, it will provide a more efficient layout for conducting CARH’s important business.

Our new address is:

116 S. Fayette St.
Alexandria, VA 22314

Our phone number remains the same at (703) 837-9001 and our primary email address is also still the same at

On Friday, August 5th, our computers and internet access will be disconnected for the move. Therefore, there will be limited opportunity to respond to any emails. Additionally, on Monday, August 8th, a new telephone system will be installed at our new location. On that day, there will be a period of time that the phone service will be down. We should be back to business on Tuesday, August 9th!


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