August/September 2017 Edition of CARH News


September 13, 2017

The August/September 2017 digital edition of CARH News, the Council for Affordable and Rural Housing’s (CARH) bimonthly digital newsletter, is now available online on CARH’s website,, or for viewing by clicking here.

In this issue:

  • Congress Approves $15.25 Billion for Immediate Hurricane Relief
  • “Out of Reach” Offers Housing Wage, Production Data You Can Use in Messages to Congress
  • “Don’t Worry About Drowning, It’s the Fall That’s Going to Kill You”
  • In Late 2008, the Global Credit Markets Stood Still in the Wake of the Most Severe Financial Collapse Since the Great Depression
  • Counsel’s Corner: To Do List for January 1, 2018 – Select Your Partnership Representative
  • Advisory Trustee Profile: Yardi
  • State Affiliated Association Profile: Carolinas Council for Affordable Housing
  • Board of Directors Fall Meeting
  • Rebuilding Housing in Harvey’s Aftermath: Two Lessons from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita

Click here to read those articles and much more!

CARH members may also view a PDF version and archived editions of CARH News on the CARH website by logging in with your username and password.

Please contact CARH at with any questions, feedback or suggestions for future articles.


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