Ask Your Mayor to Sign Letter to Congress Supporting the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act of 2021

CARH’S BROADCAST E-MAIL – Legislative Update

On April 15, 2021, S. 1136 and H.R. 2573, the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (AHCIA) of 2021 was introduced. Jenny Durkan, Mayor of Seattle, is leading a letter, in partnership with the ACTION Campaign (which CARH is a steering committee member), to support the recently reintroduced bipartisan, bicameral AHCIA of 2021. The legislation is similar to legislation (S. 1703 and H.R. 3077) that was introduced in the 116th Congress.

A copy of the draft mayoral letter can be found here. A number of Mayors signed a similar letter last year. Please be sure to mention to your Mayor if they supported this in the past.

Please reach out and ask your Mayors to support the AHCIA of 2021! Mayors’ offices can contact Ayrianne Parks at to add their name or ask questions about the legislation or the letter. The deadline for signatures is Monday, May 3, 2021.


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