ACTION Alert: White House Releases Build Back Better Framework—Urgent Housing Credit Advocacy Needed

The ACTION Campaign, which CARH is a steering committee member, sent out the following alert:

ACTION Alert: White House Releases Build Back Better Framework—Urgent Housing Credit Advocacy Needed

President Biden just spoke a short time ago on the new Build Back Better Framework released this morning, which includes $150 billion for housing. We expect that this $150 billion will go towards the major spending priorities from the House Financial Service Committee proposal, which as a reminder does not include the Housing Credit. We understand the Housing Credit proposal is not out, but still under consideration as Congress and the White House evaluate the tax provisions and work out revenue details to pay for the full package, which means we urgently need additional pressure and outreach.

We appreciate the persistent outreach of our members and supporters to the White House and Members of Congress these past few weeks, but we can’t stop–the White House and Congressional Leadership must continue to hear from advocates calling for the inclusion of the Housing Credit production provisions in the final package. Those with personal connections within the White House or with Members of Congress should call these offices and ask that they reach out to President Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to convey the importance of including the Housing Credit production provisions in the final deal. This is our best legislative vehicle to swiftly enact ACTION’s Housing Credit production priorities.

Please find a sample email to support your advocacy to Members of Congress below. Locally anchored and brief communication is ideal at this time since Congressional offices are receiving so many emails and calls. Please make sure to include the letter signed by hundreds of ACTION Campaign members and other affordable housing stakeholders from around the country that was shared on Monday night. For those California and New York members who already received tailored talking points earlier this week, please reach out again and underscore that the omission of the Housing Credit is concerning and urge them to include it in the final package.

Contact Krista D’Alessandro,, for additional support with your outreach, including access to contact information for Congressional staff. Please also pass along any insight you receive from Congressional staff throughout your correspondence. Thank you!

Sample Email for Outreach

Subject: Include Low-Income Housing Tax Credit in Reconciliation

Contact: Reach out to Krista D’Alessandro,, for specific Congressional contact information.

Hi [Staffer Name],

I am writing to urge [Representative/Senator] [Last Name] to please call Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, and the White House directly today to ask that they include the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (Housing Credit) production provisions in the final reconciliation package. We were concerned that the framework released this morning did not include the Housing Credit, which is our nation’s primary tool to create and preserve desperately needed affordable housing across the country.

We understand there are many difficult decisions being made as the overall price tag for the reconciliation package is significantly pared back. However, the Housing Credit is an critically important resource to build up our affordable housing infrastructure and must be included if we are to address the rapidly growing housing supply shortage in cities, rural communities, and everywhere in between. Further demonstrating the support and the desperate need, this week, hundreds of businesses and organizations from across the country made an urgent appeal in a letter, which we understand was sent to Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, and President Biden.

As pointed out in the letter, if we do not see the expansion of the credit by the end of the year, we will effectively see a drop in production at a time when it is severely needed. Further, lowering of the 50 percent bond financing threshold is one of the most important Housing Credit improvements to expand the immediate production of affordable housing units when states are becoming increasingly resource constrained. Finally, the basis boost provisions would help deepen the impact of the housing credit, allowing more units for Extremely Low-Income, rural, and Native families and individuals.

Please share this information and ask that Speaker Pelosi, Leader Schumer, and the White House include the Housing Credit in the final reconciliation legislation today. Thank you for your consideration of this urgent request.


[Your Name]

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