2022 CARH Dues — Direct Billed Members


We will soon mail your invoice for CARH’s 2022 national membership renewals. We understand that many companies may have changed the way they have handled processing and paying their invoices over the past year and may prefer to only receive invoices via email.

Therefore, we’d like to give you the opportunity to choose to have your 2022 national dues renewal invoice (and related documents) emailed to you instead of mailed via regular mail. If you would like to take advantage of this option, please email Tamara Schultz, CARH’s Membership Manager, at tschultz@carh.org by Tuesday, October 26. If we do not hear from you by then, your invoices will be mailed as normal by the end of the month.

We look forward to your continued support of the nation’s premier association advocating for the affordable rural rental housing industry! If you have any questions, please contact Tamara via the email address above or 703-837-9001.

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