Update on Funding and Legislation in Support of Housing and Housing Credits – CARH Member Action Requested

CARH’s Broadcast Email—Legislative Alert

CARH, as well as many other housing organizations, have been working around the clock on advocating that appropriate funding is provided for all housing programs and that the Housing Credit and Housing Bond programs are enhanced.

Specifically, yesterday the ACTION Campaign, which CARH is a steering committee member, put out a call to action for advocacy and outreach to legislators on behalf of the Housing Credit program. Specifically, the ACTION Campaign stated, “Negotiations surrounding the $3.5 trillion legislative package known as the Build Back Better Act are ongoing – with Members of Congress looking to make deep cuts – putting Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (Housing Credit) provisions at risk. Recent media reports have noted that the $300 billion worth of housing provisions that passed through the House Budget Committee in late September are on the chopping block and we understand there will be cuts made to tax sections passed by Ways and Means as well. To ensure the best possible outcome, we must continue to advocate aggressively for inclusion of the Housing Credit in the final package, as this is the best opportunity to see our Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (AHCIA) production provisions swiftly enacted.” In the call to action, the ACTION Campaign provided multiple messaging options to use when contacting members of Congress.

Additionally, CARH and 117 other organizations, signed on to an October 13, 2021, letter sent by the Housing Assistance Council in support of rural housing and capacity building funding in the Build Back Better Act. The letter was sent to Representative Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House; Senator Chuck Schumer, Majority Leader of the Senate; Representative Maxine Waters, Chair – House Financial Services Committee; Senator Sherrod Brown, Chair – Senate Banking Committee; Representative David Scott, Chair – House Agriculture Committee; and Senator Debbie Stabenow, Chair – Senate Agriculture Committee.

Finally, CARH has recently updated two Issues Briefs that can be used as talking points and/or shared with members of Congress. The Housing Credit and Housing Bond Programs and Rural Housing Issue Brief provides the background, current issues, and recommendations for Housing Credit and Housing Bond programs and recommends that any infrastructure legislation should also contain provisions of the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act as outlined in the Issue Brief. The Infrastructure and Rural Housing Issue Brief provides detailed information on why housing should be part of any infrastructure legislation and CARH’s support of housing related provisions in the Build Back Better Act legislation currently being negotiated.

It is important that you reach out to your members of Congress in support of the housing programs and Housing Credit and bond programs. In additional to the most recent information provided above, you can also use CARH’s September 17, 2021, Broadcast Email in your conversations.

Don’t forget to keep the national CARH office appraised of your contacts, their response, and if follow-up is needed from the national CARH staff with specific members of Congress and or their staffs.

To contact your Senators, click here.
To contact your Representatives, click here.

Please contact the CARH national office at carh@carh.org or 703-837-9001 should you have questions or concerns. For other news and information affecting the affordable rural housing industry, please visit the Newsroom on CARH’s website, www.carh.org.

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