Updates Regarding Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Given the rapidly evolving situation with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), in the Newsroom section of CARH’s website, www.carh.org, you will find hyperlinks to the latest information available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the most current information and updates provided by the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) and US Department of Agriculture (USDA) regarding the housing programs that affect our industry. These hyperlinks will be updated as CARH receives new information from the various agencies.

In addition, CARH is continuing to monitor CDC’s recommendation regarding not holding events with over 50 people in attendance for at least the next two months. Therefore, we will not be making early registration available for our Annual Meeting & Legislative Conference, which is scheduled for June 22-24. An informed decision on the status of the June meeting will be made next month and you will be notified via broadcast email.

All of us at CARH hope you, your family, your coworkers, and employees stay healthy and we encourage everyone to continue to follow all CDC and governmental recommendations.

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