2016 Scholarship Application Reminder – Scholarships Increase to $1,500!

REMINDER                    REMINDER                    REMINDER

February 18, 2016

Dear CARH Members:

As originally announced via email on November 13, 2015, the Council for Affordable and Rural Housing (CARH) Scholarship Foundation is currently accepting applications for the James L. Poehlman, Gordon L. Blackwell, Jack Godin, Jr., CRHD Founders and the Scholarship Foundation Scholarships. These five scholarships are eligible to deserving residents of CARH-member affordable rural housing properties. Additionally, at the Midyear Meeting in January, the Foundation approved increasing the amount of the scholarships from $1,000 to $1,500 per semester for educational expenses, with a maximum four years of funding!

Qualified applicants must be a resident of a CARH-member property; a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident; hold or be a candidate for a high school diploma or equivalent; demonstrate scholastic or work achievement; demonstrate financial need; and be accepted, or currently enrolled, as a full-time student at an accredited 2- or 4-year college, university or an accredited vocational educational school. (Please note, a property is considered to be a “CARH-member property” if it is under the management or ownership of a national CARH member and the annual Property Training & Education Fee has been paid for that property.)

There are two types of applications for scholarships:

  • Application for Traditional Students – This application is for those students/individuals that are currently a candidate for high school graduation or within the past five years received a high school diploma (or equivalent); and
  • Application for Non-Traditional Students – This application is for students/individuals with a high school diploma or equivalent, who have, or previously had, been out of school for five years or more.

Both the Traditional and Non-Traditional applications will be considered for all five scholarships. Applications can also be downloaded from the “Scholarship Foundation” menu option of the CARH website, www.carh.org. Applications must be received by the Scholarship Foundation no later than April 30, 2016.

We hope to have a record number of applicants this year, nationwide! If you have not already done so, please take the time to inform all of your on-site property managers and residents of CARH-member properties about these scholarships. To assist property managers, click here to download a flier that can be posted on community bulletin boards.

In addition to the five scholarships that will be awarded, on-site property managers will have the opportunity to receive $250 from the Scholarship Foundation. On-site property managers play integral roles in the lives of residents who live in rural housing complexes. Due to the efforts of these managers, residents have been encouraged to submit scholarship applications in the past. As recognition of this work, the Foundation will present to the manager of each complex where there is a successful scholarship recipient, $250 plus recognition in CARH’s newsletter, Insights for On-Sites!

This is the 11th year that the Scholarship Foundation has awarded scholarships. This year’s recipients will be presented during CARH’s Annual Meeting and Legislative Conference which will be held June 12-14, 2016.

If you have any questions, please contact the CARH at 703-837-9001 or carh@carh.org.


Robert L. Rice, Jr.
CARH Scholarship Foundation

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